The Education Liberator, Vol. 2, No. 6, July 1996
Freedom lovers for tax-funded vouchers
by Marshall Fritz
Many freedom lovers believe that tax-funded vouchers will improve schooling by adding competition. Some focus on the teachers unions as The Big Problem and see vouchers as a way to reduce their influence. Some see vouchers as an important, even necessary, stepping stone toward full Separation.
I've had discussions with many freedom lovers on the voucher issue. A few have not yet devoted much thought ("Friedman is for vouchers and the unions are against them. That's good enough for me"). Most, such as Joe Bast, David Boaz, Milton Friedman, Andy Little and those on the list below, have given this issue a lot of thought and still maintain their position rather than accept mine.
Sure, it's frustrating when people I respect and like are so stubborn (oops, look who's talking). So, to keep a sense of perspective, I often end a conversation on the voucher issue with the statement, "I don't expect perfection in my friends for fear they might reciprocate."
- Larry Arnn
- Claremont Institute
- Mike Arata
- Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism
- Wm. Bentley Ball
- Attorney
- Bernard Baltic
- Reason Foundation
- Joe Bast
- Heartland Institute
- Doug Bandow
- Columnist
- David Barulich
- Excel
- Janet Beales
- Reason Foundation
- Joel Belz
- WORLD Magazine
- Lloyd Billingsley
- Writer
- David Boaz
- Cato Institute
- Clint Bolick
- Institute for Justice
- Ed Crane
- President of Cato Institute
- Brad Dacus
- Rutherford Institute
- Bro Theodore Drahmann
- Christian Brothers Conference
- Mae Duggan
- Citizens for Educ. Freedom
- Edward Erikson
- Calvin College
- Milton Friedman
- Nobel Laureate
- David Harmer
- Heritage Foundation
- Kevin Irvine
- 1991 Colo. Teacher of the Year
- David Kirkpatrick
- Virgil Blum, SJ Center
- Manny Klausner
- Reason Foundation
- Myron Lieberman
- Author
- Rabbi Pinchas Lipner
- Hebrew Academy
- Andrew Little
- Buckeye Institute
- Bishop Norman McFarland
- Diocese of Orange
- Fr Richard John Neuhaus
- First Things
- Sr Renee Oliver
- CEF Retired
- Joe Overton
- Mackinac Institute
- Linda Page
- Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy
- Quentin Quade
- Virgil Blum, SJ Center
- Lovett Peters
- Pioneer Institute
- James Peyser
- Pioneer Institute
- Jack Roeser
- Family Taxpayer Foundation
- Dan Rosenthal
- Silver and Gold Report
- Michael Rothschild
- Bionomics Institute
- Phyllis Schlafly
- Eagle Forum
- Dr Robert Simonds
- Sam Staley
- Buckeye Institute
- Tom Tancredo
- Independence Institute
- Kevin Teasley
- Center for Study of Popular Culture
- Robert Teegarden
- Calif Catholic Conference
- Lance Uzumi
- Pacific Research Foundation
- Michael Watson
- Arkansas Policy Foundation
- Walter Williams
- George Mason University
