A Million Volunteers
Mass-marketing via Passionate Volunteers
Henry Ford invented a process to mass-produce his Model T's. We need to invent a process to mass market Honest Education. Consider that Rotary, Toastmasters, and Alcoholic Anonymous have harnessed millions of volunteers. So can we.
We are putting our major emphasis on helping volunteers have fun and feel a part of something big by devoting time and talent promoting Honest Education. In the last 10 years, my ability to support volunteers has been sporadic, inadequate, but sometimes fruitful. This time, we are approaching volunteer support differently, by delegating.
First, we'll recruit and train self-starters to be Volunteer Coordinators for each project, for instance, public speaking, language translations, exhibitor tables, etc. Read on to learn more.
Also, we're hiring a full-time person to work closely with me in Fresno to be the Director of Volunteer Support. A central part of that job will be building a volunteer culture of "passion tempered by a kindly spirit." Certainly a cheerful heart will be a primary requirement.
2004 Volunteer Projects
- VIP Research & Approach
Bob Dolbow, Florida, is our volunteer Coordinator for VIP Research & Approacha big title for an important job. I get about 10 VIP names each week that are worth researching and approaching.
Some are celebrities (e.g., actor Tom Selleck, suspense author Dean Koontz, talk-show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger). Others are professors, teachers, principals, and school board members; some are religious leaders; others are policy leaders in think-tanks and government. All have shown a leaning in our direction and are worthwhile to approach.
Of course, we also need prosperous people who like freedom. Hollywood producer Jerry Bruckheimer and PayPal founder Peter Thiel come to mind.
I get swamped researching these leads. I need help. That's where Bob comes in. He'll recruit and train VIP Research Associates to do the heavy lifting. Volunteers can specialize in their area of interest. To discover how you can help, please email to Bob at .
- Exhibitors
Exhibit organizers are action people who set up a display table at conferences, conventions, county fairs, and even in front of retail stores that allow it.
The main skills needed are initiative and organizing. Depending on the number of hours your booth will be open, you'll recruit several people to help.
Vicki Pate, Alaska, is our volunteer Coordinator of Honest Education Exhibits. Her first project is "Booth in a Button," by which you'll cam download easy-to-follow guidelines, plus all the masters ready for copying into handouts and attention-getting posters. To be notified when Booth in a Button is ready, send an email to .
If you have booth experience and can help us further develop this concept, please advise Vicki.
- Public Speakers
- If you feel the call to be a speaker for Honest Education, we can help you develop your presentations and find audiences. Lead or join our Speakers' Club: Email . If you want to learn to be a competent speaker for Honest Education, you should start by joining Toastmasters. See www.toastmasters.org/about.asp.
- Writers
For the next few years, our volunteer writers have a big advantage over their competitors because Honest Education is new. Editors love newness because readers like novelty.
Your passion for Honest Education puts you ahead of submissions with the same old smaller classes, higher pay, longer year, more testing, etc
Margaret Mathers, editorial specialist on a New Mexico daily paper, is our first Writers' Coach.in our Writers' Club. She'll coach you on how to get your letter to the editor printed, read, and then acted upon. If writing is "your bag," give us an email us at .
- Reprint Permissions Associate
- People often inform us about interesting articles published in newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. The process of seeking reprint permission is straight-forward. It usually takes some web research to find the contact and then a few follow-up emails. If you have the time, patience, and organizational skills to do this, please email us at .
- Election Alert Associate
- Those who like political action can learn ways of forthrightly promoting Honest Education in political campaigning. While the Alliance does not engage in political action, lobbying, or litigation, we are happy to help educate those who do in ways to use the ideal of Honest Education in their work. Without endorsing any candidate, we do provide a national list of office seekersof any partywho have signed the Proclamation. Please click here.
