Horror stories: Academic Safety
For some parents, the most urgent motive for not enrolling a child in the "local public school" is concern for the child's academic safety.
While the level of the concern certainly varies from mild at some rural and suburban schools, the concern can be quite high for parents at many of the 92,000 "public schools" in the USA.
Court KOs college whiz kid
by Carl Campanile
Government schools are so topsy turvy that even the old saying "nothing succeeds like success" doesn't apply. Manhattan student Angela Lipsman went to college instead of high school and was denied her associates degree ? despite having enough credits ? because she doesn't have a high school diploma.
The family sought recourse in the state courts and surprise, surprise, they got a bit more trouble than they bargained for. Not only did the judge agree that she can't get her associate's degree, now NYC's Administration for Children's Services has started an "educational neglect" investigation against Angela's father.
How I joined Teach for America ? and got sued for $20 million
by Joshua Kaplowitz
This article makes one sad for everyone in the story: the children, the parents, the teachers, and even the principle herself ? certainly as a young teacher she never imagined how she would someday behave.... At some point in the future, social scientists will write that separating schools from the state was the Great Emancipator of the Poor. Articles like this will be history our grandchildren will find hard to believe.
Yesterday's Child
by Janie Bowman
Who would think that such a child would amount to anything?
The education of Thomas Edison
by Jim Powell
According to one who worked with Edison, "Had [he] been formally schooled, he might not have had the audacity to create such impossible things."
The four categories of horror stories.