Registry of Signatories
in West Virginia
101 Signatories
- James Adkins
- Huntington, 25701-2219
- Wade & Patricia Adkins
- Huntington, 25701-9774
Fire Fighter
- Lloyd Akers
- Point Pleasant, 25550
- Stephen C Allison
Grantsville, 26147
Retired E-tech, married. Activist member of the Libertarian Party since 1992.
- Virginia Andrews
- Barboursville, 25504-2062
- B Austin
- Bickmore, 25019
Homesteading, homeschooling mom of
- Chris Baker
- Moundsville, 26041-1910
- Karen Barton
- Parkersburg, 26101
- Joan Bennett
- Gerrardstown, 25420-0297
Computer Assistance
- Marc Brands
- Wheeling, 26003
- Angie Breeden
- Boomer, 25031
- John Brown
Hurricane, 25526-9220
Libertarian, stockbroker, Catholic school supporte
- Frank Calderone
- Wellsburg, 26070
- Matthew Chaney
- Morgantown, 26501
- Lynn Clark
- Huntington, 25704-2837
Disillusioned mother of four, whose children having been 'abused' by an antiquated public education system is now homeschooling
- Tina Clark
- Elkview, 25071-9235
- Alice Click
- Mount Alto, 25264
Secretary-Public School, WV State Director, CW
- Michael Cobb
- Shepherdstown, 25443
- Ashby & Pat Crook
- Hedgesville, 25427
- Adelle F Damers
- Martinsburg, 25401-1058
- Teresa Dean
- Huntington, 25701
Medical Student, 2 children, Episcopa
- Barry Dickson
- Charleston, 25314
- Dwayne & Jo Ann Duffield
- Palestine, 26160
- Pau & Jane Elkins
- Parkersburg, 26101
- Stephen Fielder
- Bunker Hill, 25413-0359
Attorney; first in West Virginia to sign Proclamation
- Scott & Melissa Fletcher
- Dallas, 26036
We are a family of 5. We have 3 incredibly bright daughters. My husband & I both are first generation college graduates in our families. Hobbies- outdoor adventures, canoeing, horseback riding, biking, husband-private pilot. Very involved in our churc
- Aaron & Lorna Frye
- Clay, 25043
- Freda Gooch
- Huntington, 25705-2102
- Marcey Halterman
- Martinsburg, 25401
CNA, 4 children, Southern Baptis
- Jeff Hanichen
- Barboursville, 25504
College history professor; married 30 years; three daughters, and five grandchildred; Baptist
- Lee Hanz
- Charleston, 25304
- Greg Henshall
- Nitro, 25143-1103
libertarian; photographer; grandfather
- Alex L Hicks
- St. Albans, 25177
- Lisa Hodgson
- Shepherdstown, 25443
- Don, Lucille & Camill Jansen
- Martinsburg, 25401-1058
Parent, homeschooler, physicia
- William Keeney
- East Bank, 25067
Married, 3 kids, two still at home and in government schools at presen
- Wendyjo Kilby
- Chloe, 25235
Educator, family of 5, Independent Baptist, homeschooler
- Irvin E King
- Charles Town, 25414
- John R LaFear
- Huntington, 25701-5343
- Becky Lamb
- Washington, 26181-0405
- Jonathon Lamon
- Martinsburg, 25401-1302
Junior in college tired of educational system.
- Jeffrey D Lang
- Burlington, 26710-0181
APR seminarian, age 25, father of 2 and libertaria
- Cynthia A Lawson
- Nitro, 25143
I am a Republican who loves and believes in Jesus Christ. My family is the foremost objective behind only God in my live.
- Bob & Anita Leach
- Parkersburg, 26104-1421
Hard working, overtaxed parents of five. Charter members of VRWC
- Dan & Sheila Mace
- Martinsburg, 25401
- Gabriel A McCall
- Morgantown, 26501
- Scott McColloch
- Dellslow, 26531
Went to a non-religious private school and believe in them
- Andrea McGee
- Clarksburg, 26301
Catholic homeschooling parent
- Michael V Minnick
- Belva, 26656
- Eric Near
Huntington, 25701
- John Orlicki
- Bluefield, 24701
- Pennebaker Family
- Troy, 26443-9710
- George Herman Pierson
- Morgantown, 26505
- Sandra Pine
- Weirton, 26062
- Doug Quesinberry
- Bramwell, 24715
- Mosie Rocchetti
- Bluefield, 24701
- William Rollyson
- Bridgeport, 26330-1021
- Dennis Rowan
- Gap Mills, 24941
- Tammy Rudd
- Summersville, 26651
- Dave Ryan
- St. Albans, 25177
- Bonnie Saylor
- Martinsburg, 25401
I am a stay-at-home wife and mother of two boys. We are of penecostal backround. As a whole, we all enjoy home improvement projects and a variety of outdoor activities. We also enjoy movies
- V Shelton
- Mount Hope, 25880-9210
Libertarian, homeschooler, homesteade
- Ken Shiflet
- Richwood, 26261
Retired grandparent of 9 grand chrilden---Christian
- Travis Lee Shultz
St. Marys, 26170
- Clarence (Chip) F Sills
- Greenville, 24945-0037
Prof of Philosophy, US Naval Academ
- Matthew Simon
- Morgantown, 26501
- Kathy Sizemore
- Beckley, 25801
- Denzil Sloan
- Reader, 26167
Constitution Party of West Virginia
- Jeremy Smith
- Bluefield, 24701
- Lisa Smith
- Scott Depot, 25560
Member of WV Legislature
- Richard Smith
- Charleston, 25311
- Thomas F Smith
- Fairmont, 26554
- Gary Snider
Morgantown, 26508
- Thomas Snyder
- Charleston, 25312
- Jon Spokes
Charles Town, 25414
- Dave & Martha Spotts
- Huntington, 25701-2703
Parents of two, Evangelical Free Church, Dave teaches Latin, Greek & bible at a Christian schoo
- Josha Stella
- Shepherdstown, 25443
- Robert Stiles
- Charleston, 25301
- Teresa Stire
- Hurricane, 25526
- Lynn Thompson
- Sissonville, 25320
- Bruce Tiffany
- Shenandoah Junction, 25442
- Roger Tucker
- Fraziers Bottom, 25082-9604
American citizen of State of WV, hoping to remain fre
- Brooke Turner
- Morgantown, 26505
- M. Underwood
- Shady Spring, 25918
Stay at home mother of 4 who volunteers in the community compulsively
- Melissa Underwood
- Shady Spring, 25918
Certified Nanny / stay at home Mom of 4 children
- Linda J.R. Viderman
- Wellsburg, 26070-9500
Paralegal, business owner, parent, grandparen
- Keith & Carolyn Voges
- Kearneysville, 25430-9785
Biologist/Rental Property; Teacher's Aid
- Kathryn Walters
- Elllenboro, 26346
Homemaker, homeschooler, 5 children, Roman Catholi
- Steven Warhurst
- Huntington, 25701
Assistant Pastor
- David Webb
- Ridgeley, 26753-9208
- Kim Westfall
- Smithville, 26178
Homeschool Mother
