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Can Americans return to Honest Education?

First, can your family return to Honest Education?

In the United Statesindeed, much of the worldparents enjoy the freedom to enjoy the benefits of Honest Education immediately. You can vote with your feet by moving your children from dishonest education to a school that offers what you want. Why wait for your neighbors to vote to make the transition? Your children could be maimed by then.

Of course there will be additional financial costs. In the U.S., the parents of about 2 million children home school them for about $500 or less per year per child, plus the lost wages of one if both spouses are working.

More parents choose religious or private schools. About 5 million pay $2,000-4,000 per year. A small minority, about a half-million, enroll their children in prestige schools that charge between $7,000-20,000.

You can find well-organized information about both home schooling and private schooling by

clicking here.

Can the whole United States return to Honest Education?

Many people believe that our society can never return to Honest Education. Some say teacher unions are too strong or parental concern is too weak. They believe it is impossible.

But the impossible happens all the time. The Wright brothers flew. The Berlin Wall fell. Marxism in the East collapsed. And granny uses the Internet to see pictures of her hour-old grandchild 3,000 miles away.

Like any major societal change we cannot know in advance the details of how the transition to Honest Education will take place. Each person is free to create his or her own "Jules Verne" scenario. To see one scenario, Marshall Fritz' "Family Responsibility Strategy," please

click here.
